
Monday, May 27, 2013

Proud Mama....

I know I have written that my mother is battling ovarian cancer.  I have not written about it a great deal-it is hard to deal with and it can be hard to share at times.  Sometimes I feel like a dam breaking when people ask me about it-it just depends on my mood that day.  I will say how proud I am of her-she has dealt with so much and with a lot of guts and determination.

My family and I went to visit her and my dad this weekend.  They live on the Chesapeake Bay-a really beautiful spot on the water.  A neighboring town, Heathesville, has their annual Strawberry Festival the Saturday before Memorial Day.  I knew my family would be up for going, but I wasn't sure if my mom would feel up to going.  Thankfully, she was, so we all pilled into our van and spent a few hours looking at the many different artisans that had set up tents with their products to sell.  Many towns along the Chesapeake Bay have farmer's markets on the weekends-they usually each have a Saturday to themselves-Heathesville one Saturday, Deltaville the next, Irvington the next, and so on.  You usually always see someone that you know, which makes it even more fun.

The weather was beautiful, a little on the cool side for the end of May, but sunny none the less.  We came home, ate lunch, and my youngest was eager to get into the pool.  The water was a chilly 72 degrees, a little warmer than the air temperature, so she went in.  My mom and I enjoyed the sun for the afternoon-I getting a little crispy, she covered under a towel to stay warm.  My mom is usually tanner than most, so this was different for her, but I was glad to have her outside with my youngest daughter and myself.

We ventured back inside to start dinner around 5-we planned on watching "Life of Pi" after we ate.  My parents had the movie, but had waited to watch it with all of us.  My husband and I were making dinner and I noticed my mom sitting in the Florida room, a little teary and clearly tired.  She rested while we happily made dinner for her and my dad, but by movie time, she came to us so exhausted she could not watch it with us.

All she wanted to do was spend time with us, she said.  Her exhaustion was overwhelming-I could see it in her eyes, but it was her disappointment that was the most apparent.  We told her it was alright, we understood.  She had spent the whole day with us-we knew it took a lot out of her to be outside and walking for a long period of time.  My youngest kept telling her not to cry and it was okay.  She asked if she could walk Mimi(her name for my mom) upstairs with me.  As they turned to go up, Emma took her hand and walked her to her bedroom and helped her into bed, telling her a story about a friend from school and making my mom laugh.

As I write this with tears in my eyes, I write it with a great deal of love and pride for the tenderness my eleven year old showed that night-without any prompting, all on her own.  I am definitely one proud mama.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Full Circle

Today, my oldest daughter played in her first JV Girls' Soccer game.  I was so excited for her.  Her game was postponed the other day due to a torrential downpour, but today it was sunny and cool-a perfect day for a soccer game.

She plays goalie and I couldn't be more proud.  She directs well, saves well, and encourages the team on.  I want to be just like her when I grow up.  I wish that I had her drive and determination-I remembering wanting to try out for soccer in high school, I just didn't have the encouragement to do so.  I still regret it.

She was not sure at the beginning of the school year if she would try out-she worried she wouldn't make the team.  I very quickly told her she would regret more later that she didn't try out than if she had tried out and not made it.  Just go for it, I told her, you have nothing to loose but future regrets.

Well, the talk seemed to work, and she conditioned hard and made the team.  The team she played today was my high school team. 

As we walked into the stadium, I told my husband I had not been back since my high school senior cookout.  Quite a while ago.  It was fun to be there-my daughter's team won 6-0.  Life, if you give it, time, always comes full circle.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

From Downton to Ducks

I have two favorite television shows.  Downton Abbey and Duck Dynasty.  Hey, what can I say-I have broad tastes.  I love Downton for it's drama and lovely British-ness.  I love Duck Dynasty for it's humor and it's redneck-ness.

They are both shows about families-Downton's is a bit more soap opera drama filled than Duck's but there is always a little drama where the Robertson's are concerned-usually, will they get to hunt anything that day?  Will Si get the R-S-P-E-C-T(if you saw the episode, you would get this)he deserves?  Will Jase ever stop teasing Willie?  What will Miss Kay cook today?

I was late to watching Downton Abbey.  I had wanted to watch it, but would always forget that it was on.  So, one Sunday afternoon in December, I turned on Netflix and proceeded to watch the entire first season in one sitting.  I neglected everything and everybody.  My husband and kids made dinner and made lunches for school the next day.  They fed the dogs and cleaned the kitchen.  I think I was well within my boundaries to allow that all to happen.  I couldn't get my hands on season 2 fast enough.  I did have to wait for Christmas, though, and received both seasons.  It was fantastic!  I love that my girls love to watch it as much as I do.(So does my husband, but don't tell anyone.)

Needless to say, everyone in my house loves Duck Dynasty.  My son is not a Downton fan, but he is fourteen, so I get it.  We watch marathons of that show.  I don't think I have laughed so much at a show every time I watch it.  Don't be fooled.  They may be rednecks, but you can't equate rednecks with stupidity.  They are not even the same.  Stupid is as stupid does, as the saying goes, not stupid=rednecks.  You can not be stupid and be as successful as the Robertsons are. 

I love Ducks because it is about family-a family that can argue and still get past it, work through it and love each other.  The brothers argue and get over it like adults.  I wish all siblings could be that way-namely my own, but I digress.

They are the two shows I wait for each week-a time that I look forward to.  To be entertained, to laugh, to cry, to say "What just happened?!", and to wonder how Uncle Si thinks.  Still wondering on that one.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Yes, I said blek-and on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon I might add!  It really is bleky when you have had the stomach flu on such a beautiful weekend.  Soccer games were being played, my youngest was birthday party-hopping, a friend was at a wine tasting, and where was I?  In bed.  Blek.

I know there will be more weekends like this.  The weather is getting warmer, thankfully, so this will be the first of many lovely weekends to come.  I can still complain though.  Wink wink.

The good thing about being sick on a weekend is that it doesn't take any more of my sick days from work.  That, I have figured, is the only good thing.

So, it is Sunday, and I am feeling better than Saturday, and most definitely better than Friday night's horror show.  My sweet husband took care of the kiddos, getting everyone where they needed to be, got them fed, etc.  They are old enough to pretty much fend for themselves, except for the driving part.  I am thankful to them for actually not arguing and staying quiet.  The only one who didn't stay quiet was my neighbor's dog who decided Saturday was the day she was going to bark-all day long.  Grrr. 

So, having complained and given thanks, I am looking forward to next weekend.  But wait-I just looked at the weather forecast and they are calling for-God forbid-snow.  I have one word for that-Blek!