For those book lovers out there, you know that librarians and book sellers refer to shelves of books as "stacks". I have my own stacks in my house, as I am sure many of you do. It is comforting and makes me happy. I have spent many years adding to my collection. Some books find a place deep in my heart and stay, some are donated to my local library, and others I take to the local used book store. I love my books. They are like friends, old and new ready to be discovered or reunited with.
I will admit that some of the books take me longer to read than others. Some I have had literally for years before I open their covers to read them. Some books, I read the first paragraph or chapter and put down, never to open again. I used to make myself feel guilty about that-"finish what you start!" my brain would say to me. As I have gotten older and I like to think a little bit wiser, I feel like it is a waste of time to read something that I do not enjoy. There is so much out there too be enjoyed! So, I put the unfinished book down and walk away-no guilt to speak of. There are very few books that I read more than once, but I have a few that have made the cut.
I am lucky that my kids love to read too. I loved reading to them when they were little and am more than pleased that they continue on with reading as they get older. Books are the greatest escape-taking you out of your life and throwing you into someone else's for a while. Teaching you things, making you laugh, making you cry. Making you sit on edge while you impatiently wait for a follow-up book to be released. I love it when the book is so good you are kind of let down when it ends-so you slow your reading to enjoy it a bit longer.
I got my husband an e-reader for Christmas. I have very mixed feelings on this one. They are great for those technophiles out there, but I like having the book in my hand. I like going into a bookstore or library and looking. Sometimes I know exactly the book I want. Other times, I have no idea what I am in the mood for until it jumps out at me-it is the thrill of the hunt, so to speak.
Yes, I may sound nerdy, but I don't care. Reading keeps your mind fresh, expands your vocabulary, and adds joy to your life. If that is the definition of nerdy, then I crown myself Queen of the nerds. You can find me in the stacks...
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