
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Salt Water Girl

I was looking for beach houses today.  Not to purchase(yet), but to rent next summer.  I am only four weeks out from our last beach vacation that was cut short by a pesky hurricane.  Again.  I need to re-think the week we go to the Outer Banks.  Although,  I would not change a thing about our recent  vacation week, except the leaving-early thing.  You see, I am a salt water girl.

There is a reason tears are salty.  It runs in my veins.  I can always hear the sound of the ocean.  It is the rythum of my heart and soul.  Just the thought of the ocean and the beach can bring a tear to my eye.  A tear of fond remembrance, a tear of longing, of times to come.  They are not tears of sadness though-times spent down by the sea have always been good.  Even when I am saying "See you next time" I try not to be sad.  I try to look forward to the next time I will see the ocean again.  I will confess that can be difficult at times.

My friend and I were talking today about cottages we are looking at for next summer.  We are both done with school and ready for summer vacation.  I try not to think about how much time is in between now and then.  I do not want to wish time away. I will enjoy the time until the hot days of summer roll around again, and I am floating in the ocean again, it holding me in its mighty embrace.  Today is just one of those days when I wish that beach time was just a little bit closer.

So, until that time, I will surround myself with my beach finds-sea shells in all shapes and sizes, pictures of sandy children, my husband body surfing with our kids, and memories of digging sand castles.  Thoughts of the sun burning my skin until I can not stand it any longer and I must sit under the umbrella or drench myself in suntan lotion.  Reading in my beach chair until the sound of the surf lulls me to sleep.  Brushing the dried salt off of my skin.  I will always be a salt water girl.

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