
Sunday, October 30, 2011


The word makes me shudder.   I ascend into my attic and my knees go week.  I go to the attic with the best of intentions.  Clean-up, clean-out, be done!  I would be able to make my attic into an office-a quiet place to write.  If it were not for all of the stuff up there!  UGH.

Where does it come from?  Did we really spend all of our hard earned money on it?  Why did I tell people I would take their stuff?  No more mister nice guy.  I don't want anymore stuff.  Thank you.

Their are things that were mine from my childhood that I do-not-want anymore.  My husband tells me I should keep it just in case one of our children may want it for their children one day.  I give him the look.  I have a lot of those-this one is the "That is not the answer I was looking for" look.  To which he replies "You asked me."  Grrr.

I have started liking the idea-"A cluttered house equals a cluttered mind".  Even when I am doing something else, I am always thinking of the stuff that I need to get rid of.  I got rid of quite a lot earlier this year.  Now, I need to do it again.  Just bite the bullet and dive right into the stuff in the attic instead of turning around and leaving the room.

If you don't hear from me for, oh, let's say a few days, send someone to find me.  The stuff may have gotten the better of me.

1 comment:

  1. When in doubt, throw it out!, your kids don't want it, kids want the new things. Have Fun!
