
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

As time goes by...

Where does the time go?  Into a black hole?  Into the deep blue sea?  Down the drain?  I don't know, but I would sure like to find some more of it!  It seems like yesterday that the kids were starting a new school year and now it is close to the end.  My oldest will have one year until high school, my son will be a pro at middle school with a year under his belt, and my youngest will have two years left of elementary school.  When did that happen?!

Some days, the time seems to drag, whether from boredom, exhaustion, life, I am not quite sure.  Other days seem to end before like they have started, if that makes any sense.  But I still want more time!!!

As I am getting older, I find that I am in a stage of transition.  That is a good and necessary thing-I just wish I knew what I was transitioning to!  I think and think and think and feel like someone who had better hurry up and decide what she wants to do when she grows up!  Part of me knows, part of me is unsure if that part of me know what the heck she is doing! 

I know I don't want to sit and look at my four walls any longer-it is slightly maddening to me.  There are days when my home feels like a warm blanket that wraps me in its embrace and protects me and shelters me from the world outside.  Other days, it feels like a straight jacket and I am a magician trying to wiggle my way out. 

I do not think I am alone in this feeling-and that makes me feel good.  But I know that the only person who can do anything about my transition is me.  So what time does that make it?  It makes it get up and go time kids!  Its now or never!  Time to kick the tires and light the fires!  But I will be sure to make it a good time....