
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Oh no! It snowed!!

Run for your lives!  It's the snowpocalypse!!  Only kidding.

It did snow this morning though.  I have had enough quite frankly.  I don't live where we have snow from October through March, but I have enough.  Yes-it is Complain Day.  I decided.   Join in the fun!

I used to love snow.  When I was twelve.  And we had days off from school.  But now, they are not so much fun.  If we had places to go and ski and snowboard it would be one thing.  It is the cooped up inside part that I don't particularly like.

I love to be outside.  In the sun.  Where it is warm.  Preferably near water.  With a cool drink in my hand and someone to fan me when I am hot and...Sorry, I got a little distracted.

It is officially spring.  We had eighty degree weather two weeks ago and now it is 38 degrees outside.  Summer, I need you like never before.    My bathing suits, towels, and sunscreen are ready to go.  Now only if it would stop snowing....

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's in the stacks....

For those book lovers out there, you know that librarians and book sellers refer to shelves of books as "stacks".  I have my own stacks in my house, as I am sure many of you do.  It is comforting and makes me happy.  I have spent many years adding to my collection.  Some books find a place deep in my heart and stay, some are donated to my local library, and others I take to the local used book store.  I love my books.  They are like friends, old and new ready to be discovered or reunited with.

I will admit that some of the books take me longer to read than others.  Some I have had literally for years before I open their covers to read them.  Some books, I read the first paragraph or chapter and put down, never to open again.  I used to make myself feel guilty about that-"finish what you start!" my brain would say to me.  As I have gotten older and I like to think a little bit wiser, I feel like it is a waste of time to read something that I do not enjoy.  There is so much out there too be enjoyed!  So, I put the unfinished book down and walk away-no guilt to speak of.  There are very few books that I read more than once, but I have a few that have made the cut.

I am lucky that my kids love to read too.  I loved reading to them when they were little and am more than pleased that they continue on with reading as they get older.  Books are the greatest escape-taking you out of your life and throwing you into someone else's for a while.  Teaching you things, making you laugh, making you cry.  Making you sit on edge while you impatiently wait for a follow-up book to be released.  I love it when the book is so good you are kind of let down when it ends-so you slow your reading to enjoy it a bit longer. 

I got my husband an e-reader for Christmas.  I have very mixed feelings on this one.  They are great for those technophiles out there, but I like having the book in my hand.  I like going into a bookstore or library and looking.  Sometimes I know exactly the book I want.  Other times, I have no idea what I am in the mood for until it jumps out at me-it is the thrill of the hunt, so to speak.

Yes, I may sound nerdy, but I don't care.  Reading keeps your mind fresh, expands your vocabulary, and adds joy to your life.  If that is the definition of nerdy, then I crown myself Queen of the nerds.  You can find me in the stacks...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Grey, grey-go away

This year, I turn forty.  Forty!  I can't quite believe it.  Don't get me wrong-I will not be sinking into a mid-life crisis or do something crazy like dress like my thirteen year old, but I may make some changes.   I have to concede that, yes, I do have a few grey hairs.  Hard to believe right?!  Last month, when I found my first grey(that's my story and I'm sticking to it), I decided that it had to go.  So I pulled it out.  I thought my hair stylist would throttle me when I told her.

"We are trying to KEEP hair Liz, not loose it!"  Alright, alright, I hear that!  Cue the Clairol bottle.
BAM!!  Instant highlights at a fraction of the price.  I use my Dad's reasoning "It's blonde, not grey."  I had thought about having my stylist color my hair, since some of those pesky greys I could not seem to cover.  Thankfully, they were hidden underneath my "highlights" so they were only visable to me.  But, at over 100 smackers just for the coloring alone, I had to but the brakes on that idea.  I could color my hair myself at least ten times!  Even more with a coupon!!  It does not really even matter which brand-if it is on sale or I have a coupon, I am all over it!!  Or, it will be all over my hair, in under 25 minutes.

The real kicker came when I found a grey eyebrow hair.  Dun, dun, duhh.   I was mortified.  I am not as attached to those hairs, even though I really don't want to have to draw them on one day, but it was closest to the inside of my brow line, so it had to go.  And wouldn't you know, it grew back, as grey as ever.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Thank goodness for Edline!

Thank you Lord, for Edline.

I know that 2 of my children do not share in this prayer.  For those that don't know what Edline is, it posts your children's grades online.  Fabulous huh?!  I love it-it helps us to keep up with what is being done-and what is not-at school.  Here is a bit of my son's grades in Social Studies:
                                    Score Information
                     Name     Date     Category  Score Max  %   Grd

                     HWRveP.  02/19/11 homework     90  100  90 B+
                     HWRevQ.  02/19/11 homework     85  100  85 B
                     HWSignP. 02/19/11 homework    100  100 100 A+
                     QRev.    02/19/11 quiz         98  100  98 A
                     QAmRev   02/26/11 quiz        100  100 100 A+
                     HWPeople 02/26/11 homework    100  100 100 A+
                     TAmRev   03/03/11 test         98  100  98 A
                     QRev.    03/13/11 quiz         96  100  96 A

Remember when we would get graded papers home? And if they were bad, they didn't always make it home.  Until you got your interim or report card and your parents would look at you with the "What the H*&%# happened to your grades?"  look.  Then the shouting would come, followed by you're grounded for 3,500 years, and don't come out of your room except to eat.  We find out grades almost immediatley and have a list of assignments and tests dates laid out before us, so we don't even believe the line-"I didn't know we were having a test!  They never told us!  We were blinsided Mom! "  Yeah, okay.
Love it!  Winning!!(I can't believe I just wrote that)

No more excuses kids.  We know A LOT more than you think we do.  Just stick with me on this one.

Edline-this is one time I am thankful for the internet where my kids are concerned.

Friday, March 11, 2011


I am so thankful.  For my husband, my kids, my friends and family.  For my health.  For all of the things that I have been blessed with.

Watching the news footage today of the earthquake and ensuing tsunami in Japan, I realize how small and helpless I am and how powerful nature can be.  It was heartbreaking and terrifying and unbelievable to watch. 

I am thankful that the people of Hawaii are safe and more damage was not done there.  I will pray for the man who was swept out to see on the West Coast and I will pray for those in Japan who have lost loved ones and those who have to find a way to pick up the pieces and go on. 

I will go to bed thankful for another day-of health, happiness, and seeing the faces of those that I love the most.  And pray that tomorrow will bring more of the same.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nine lives

I have a cat.

His name is Jack.

He is a lucky son-of-a-gun.

This is what he did to my vacuum cleaner cord...

My Dyson vacuum cleaner.  That's an expensive cord!!  One life shaved off the nine he was born with-so they say.

He is lucky I found it before he could do any more damage to it.  One life saved.

I guess now he is back up to nine.  He is lucky he is cute.

If only I could teach him how to put the vacuum cleaner away...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Never say never

I used to say never.  I really try not to say it anymore.  Anything can happen-usually when you least expect it.  And when it is something wonderful, even better!

For example, I never thought I would make it to Hawaii.  Too expensive.  Until, you guessed it-I went.  Not once, but twice!!  Ain't life great?!

The first time was to the Big Island of Hawaii.  My husband was selected as part of an employee recognition for excellence-I always knew he was excellent!  They sent us to Hawaii for a week-all expenses paid!  WOOHOO!  It was amazing-we hiked the Waipio Valley, watched Humpback whales, and just soaked it all in!

The second time, my husband went on a business trip to the island of O'ahu.  I went there too!  His trip was for two weeks, so I paid for my airfare and followed him out for the last few days of his trip.  It too was amazing.  The air there is alive and the beauty of the islands can not be accurately described in words.

So just when you think "I will never(insert your thought)...." just remember anything can happen.  And the results can be life changing and beautiful.