
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

One of each....

One of each what you ask?  I now have children in each level of public school-elementary, middle, and high school.  I little mind blowing, especially the high school one.  I always thought that that one seemed so far off, but fifteen years has a way of blowing past you and before you know it, BOOM!! There it is!

I don't remember high school being this big of a deal, but it is when it is your child in high school.  Yes, it was moderately amusing, and by the end I was oh-so ready to graduate, but it is so different now.  Everything is so competitive-honors classes, AP classes, dual enrollment.  Make sure you are involved in clubs, sports, have volunteer hours, high SAT scores, and a high grade point average.  Shew, makes me tired just typing the sentence!

My high-schooler has a good head on her shoulders, so I try not to worry.  We do make sure she keeps up with her school work through our blessed friend Edline, which I wrote about in a previous post.  So far so good-except sports, she has suffered a concussion and I now have something fairly significant to add to my worries.  Helmets for soccer players?  I think yes!

My son is the middle-schooler, looking at specialty center high schools.  He loves languages and foreign cultures, so his career choices will be interesting.  He is involved in Boy Scouts, which is slightly less dangerous than soccer, except when they go hiking in the mountains and stand on overlooks that are 3500 feet high.  Yikes, I can't look.

My youngest in my senior in elementary school.  She loves math and science and her friends.  I predict she will be the female equivalent to Gordon Ramsey one day.  She already is writing recipes, so she will definitely  be one to watch!

I am busy mom, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  As I have said before, it will be too quiet in our house when that day comes.  And I am more than happy to have one of each....