
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

From Downton to Ducks

I have two favorite television shows.  Downton Abbey and Duck Dynasty.  Hey, what can I say-I have broad tastes.  I love Downton for it's drama and lovely British-ness.  I love Duck Dynasty for it's humor and it's redneck-ness.

They are both shows about families-Downton's is a bit more soap opera drama filled than Duck's but there is always a little drama where the Robertson's are concerned-usually, will they get to hunt anything that day?  Will Si get the R-S-P-E-C-T(if you saw the episode, you would get this)he deserves?  Will Jase ever stop teasing Willie?  What will Miss Kay cook today?

I was late to watching Downton Abbey.  I had wanted to watch it, but would always forget that it was on.  So, one Sunday afternoon in December, I turned on Netflix and proceeded to watch the entire first season in one sitting.  I neglected everything and everybody.  My husband and kids made dinner and made lunches for school the next day.  They fed the dogs and cleaned the kitchen.  I think I was well within my boundaries to allow that all to happen.  I couldn't get my hands on season 2 fast enough.  I did have to wait for Christmas, though, and received both seasons.  It was fantastic!  I love that my girls love to watch it as much as I do.(So does my husband, but don't tell anyone.)

Needless to say, everyone in my house loves Duck Dynasty.  My son is not a Downton fan, but he is fourteen, so I get it.  We watch marathons of that show.  I don't think I have laughed so much at a show every time I watch it.  Don't be fooled.  They may be rednecks, but you can't equate rednecks with stupidity.  They are not even the same.  Stupid is as stupid does, as the saying goes, not stupid=rednecks.  You can not be stupid and be as successful as the Robertsons are. 

I love Ducks because it is about family-a family that can argue and still get past it, work through it and love each other.  The brothers argue and get over it like adults.  I wish all siblings could be that way-namely my own, but I digress.

They are the two shows I wait for each week-a time that I look forward to.  To be entertained, to laugh, to cry, to say "What just happened?!", and to wonder how Uncle Si thinks.  Still wondering on that one.

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