
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Grey, grey-go away

This year, I turn forty.  Forty!  I can't quite believe it.  Don't get me wrong-I will not be sinking into a mid-life crisis or do something crazy like dress like my thirteen year old, but I may make some changes.   I have to concede that, yes, I do have a few grey hairs.  Hard to believe right?!  Last month, when I found my first grey(that's my story and I'm sticking to it), I decided that it had to go.  So I pulled it out.  I thought my hair stylist would throttle me when I told her.

"We are trying to KEEP hair Liz, not loose it!"  Alright, alright, I hear that!  Cue the Clairol bottle.
BAM!!  Instant highlights at a fraction of the price.  I use my Dad's reasoning "It's blonde, not grey."  I had thought about having my stylist color my hair, since some of those pesky greys I could not seem to cover.  Thankfully, they were hidden underneath my "highlights" so they were only visable to me.  But, at over 100 smackers just for the coloring alone, I had to but the brakes on that idea.  I could color my hair myself at least ten times!  Even more with a coupon!!  It does not really even matter which brand-if it is on sale or I have a coupon, I am all over it!!  Or, it will be all over my hair, in under 25 minutes.

The real kicker came when I found a grey eyebrow hair.  Dun, dun, duhh.   I was mortified.  I am not as attached to those hairs, even though I really don't want to have to draw them on one day, but it was closest to the inside of my brow line, so it had to go.  And wouldn't you know, it grew back, as grey as ever.

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